Elk Grove United Soccer Club
Elk Grove Soccer Club – Club Pass Player Request Process
To ensure a smooth and timely process for adding a Club Pass Player to your roster for a game or tournament, Elk Grove Soccer Club has established the following guidelines:
Connect with the sending coach:
Before starting the request form/process below, coaches requesting players should receive written confirmation from the sending coach/manager regarding a club pass player. This is non-negotiable.
The sending team coach/manager should then provide the physical player pass to the receiving team coach/manager
Submit a Request via Google Form
Coaches and team managers must submit a request using the designated Google Form.
The form must be completed no later than Wednesday at 5:00 PM of the week in which the player is needed
Registrar Approval & Processing
The club registrar will review all submissions and process approved requests on Thursday.
Once approved, the Club Pass Player will be officially added to the requesting team’s roster for the upcoming match or tournament.
Match Card Update
The approved Club Pass Player will appear on the official match card for the team that weekend. Coaches/managers are responsible for checking their roster prior to their match for confirmation.
Any questions regarding the Club Pass Player request process should be directed to admin@elkgroveunited.org
Important Notes:
Requests submitted after the Wednesday deadline will not be processed for that weekend’s matches.
The requesting team is responsible for ensuring the player meets all eligibility requirements.
Club Pass Players are subject to club and league rules regarding participation and team assignment.