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Elk Grove Soccer Club – Club Pass Player Request Process


To ensure a smooth and timely process for adding a Club Pass Player to your roster for a game or tournament, Elk Grove Soccer Club has established the following guidelines:


Connect with the sending coach:

  • Before starting the request form/process below, coaches requesting players should receive written confirmation from the sending coach/manager regarding a club pass player. This is non-negotiable.

  • The sending team coach/manager should then provide the physical player pass to the receiving team coach/manager 


Submit a Request via Google Form

  1. Coaches and team managers must submit a request using the designated Google Form.

  2. The form must be completed no later than Wednesday at 5:00 PM of the week in which the player is needed


Registrar Approval & Processing

  • The club registrar will review all submissions and process approved requests on Thursday.

  • Once approved, the Club Pass Player will be officially added to the requesting team’s roster for the upcoming match or tournament.


Match Card Update

  • The approved Club Pass Player will appear on the official match card for the team that weekend. Coaches/managers are responsible for checking their roster prior to their match for confirmation.


Any questions regarding the Club Pass Player request process should be directed to


Important Notes:

  • Requests submitted after the Wednesday deadline will not be processed for that weekend’s matches.

  • The requesting team is responsible for ensuring the player meets all eligibility requirements.

  • Club Pass Players are subject to club and league rules regarding participation and team assignment.

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